Tuesday, November 20, 2007

2 down lots to go

Well, I'm proud to say both tonight and Monday night I hoped off the bike and changed my top and went straight into my 2mile run. this was especially good Monday as it as raining, and also it was good as I cycled both days despite the rain.

Lets hope things continue as well

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Marathon Man

Yes we in work have decided we are going to attempt the half marathon in Conemara next April. I don't think this will be such a big deal for some of them as it will be for me. Currently I am exactly 15st!!!! and although my cycles to work are good haven't ran in a good while.

I'm also worried that the last time I started running I tried too much too soon and got a really sore hip.

I'll down loaded some good training guides so I'll try to stick to that and obviously watch the diet. I'll keep a record here of how things go.

The first run was today, 2 miles. It was a killer stoped three times but once I got home I was delighted. I need to get a proper list of stretches!!!!

Long time no blog

Well Well,
its been quite a while since my last entry but I'm determined to keep at it.
Since then whats happened. Well on the book front I've read Gullivers Travels by Johnathan Swift. Yes we all know it with the guy who lands of the island first of the little people then the big people then go knows where. The book is very sedate and quite dull and was some what of a pain to read but something kept me going at it. One very interesting point that I gleaned from the book was that the premise of the book seems to be the extrapolation of scientific ideas into extreme circumstances.

Deep within the text the author makes references to large bones that are by times dug up by explorers and the current rational at the time (1700s) is that these must be of giants and that humans must indeed have been much larger in the past as scientist had rationaled b that stage that things buried in rock must be very old. The author therefore suggest that we will all become much smaller with time. In the first island with the small people they are a very civilised race, where the giant are much more barbarous and vicious, although interesting more honest.

The other islands play off the concept of magnetics and the occult and what might happen if these ideas are taken to extremities.
All said I wouldn't recommend it, only for the very hardy.

I then moved on to Tom Jones by Henry Fielding. This book is basically about a foundling, Tom Jones, who is taken in by a very rich guy and essentially raised by him as a son. The young Tom grows up to be a bit of a rascal but devilishly good looking. The story progress about how he grows up and various antics. The book is humours but VERY long ~700 very large pages of very small writing. This was serialised initially into over 20 books. I think you'd need a lot of time on your hands to get trough it. I got to about pg150 and gave up.

I then moved on to Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. Yeah a girls book. But how and ever I went in with an open mind and was pleased to say I flew through it and thoroughly enjoyed it. The main charm of the book is the main character Lizzy who is a head strong twenty something female in a house of girls all trying desperately to get married. Of course this book has the famous or infamous Mr. Darcy which women seem to go weak at the knees over. So it was nice to find out what was it about this guy that all the fuss is about. And basically it just adds to the argument that women like bastards but I suppose the added attraction with Darcy is that underneath it all hes a big soft and in love with Lizzy. Ah.

So now I've moved on to Oliver Twist. Having read the intro it appears this was Mr Dickens second novel which was first published as a series of newspaper stories. Having read the first few chapters it certainly reads like so but the further I get into it the more I like his sense of humour which is very dry.

So that's us up to date, I'll keep ya posted.