Sunday, March 16, 2008

Mrs Dalloway

So here I am the day before paddys day. waiting to go out march.

this week I finished Mrs Dalloway by Virginia Woolf. I remember seeing another book on the list called "Whos afraid of Virginia Woolf" and the impression lasted with me that this was a book men couldn't read or something. And it is truly a unique book so far. Its basically set in early 20th century london, which is interesting because she was talking about the various places we were visitng that weekend in london, but anyhow its a truly interesting.

The whole story is set during one day as Mrs Dalloway, a well to do 50 something, is preparing for a party. The narative basically flits in and out of various peoples minds and half the time your not quite sure who is talking or who they are talking about because its all in pronouns (he, she, I). So it needs to be read carefully to be understood, not the best book for commuting but one I'd like to go back to simply because the language is so poetic. You really feel at times your are reading poetry.

Also intersting is the change in pace from the internal dialogue of the women to the men. The women much more flightly and selfconscious the men much more structured and reverent.

Good book but be carefull

Below is a picture of the walk mrs dalloway completed in her preparation for her party.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Goodbye to Berlin

This Novel by Isherwood. A funny old thing, a series of short stories set around the early thirties in Germany. just as the Nazis were coming into power. There are a wide variety of characters and settings, read a little like Fiesta (Hemmingway) in places, people out on the lash all the time, wild characters, poverty behind the cloak of prosperity.

Can't concentrte now, neck too sore.

In Cold Blood

Been busy lately. The last few weekends have been Yorkshire (for "our" birthday), London (for my birthday) and then Joes Stag/first MKSP. What a run, I'm knackered!! But I have to say it were all great.

Anyhow getting back to it - In Cold Blod.
Famous in its own right but given a new lease of light after the movie Capote. This is definitely one of the best books so far on the journey of literature. It started a new genre True Crime